Because you can
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Your donation will make a huge difference in the live of our community people we support.
Let's achieve change together through the gift of giving.
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The secret to happiness lies in helping others.
Make Your Donation
Your donation will make a huge difference in the live of our community people we support.
Let's achieve change together through the gift of giving.
Become a Volunteer
The secret to happiness lies in helping others.

Word from president
My message to all my honorable Upletian Community Members is of peace, prosperity and progress.
I strongly believe that we have a huge potential and skill to combat all the challenges being faced by our community members individually as well as on the community level. I along with my team are very much committed that we will make every possible effort in trying to improve and upscale the standard of living of all our community members. May it be social welfare projects, helping our underprivileged members, providing them with the best possible solutions for health care, creating employment opportunities for the unemployed, ensuring quality education for our students and providing our youth with career oriented counseling and guidance.
I have a firm belief that together we can make a difference and make our community one of the most successful communities; in-fact a model community which is not only beneficial to its own members but a strong contributor to the society at large.
I wish all of you success in whatever you are doing in your personal and professional lives and request you to play your due positive role in the community development.
Our Causes
You can help lots of people by donating little.

Cricket Tournament (UCL)

Rozgar Committee